District Taxi Fare Estimator
Published: Jan. 20, 2008
The estimator will help you determine if your cab fare in the District will cost more or less under the time and distance meters, which are scheduled to replace zones in May. You may choose one of our sample routes, or try your own by entering starting and destination addresses, or by dragging the green and red map markers. Remember, these are estimates. Actual fares will vary, depending upon how much time is spent stopped or slowed in congested traffic.
Google Maps mashup with extensive map interaction and fare options. Uses CSS and other HTML technologies with a Javascript programming framework. Google Analytics tracking code keeps track of how users view the graphic, how they interact with the graphic, and how much cheaper the meter (or zone) fare would be under the new fare system.
Research, design, and programming by Nathaniel Vaughn KELSO.
A future blog post will outline all the neat features and provide programming tips.